If I had a pound or dollar for every business owner that told me that their marketing isn’t working and that you can’t be successful in today’s ultra competitive world, I would be living in a fabulous mansion.
We know that good marketing works, and that you CAN be successful as an entrepreneur. Yet it seems that there is so much bad information and advice out there – you could spend days, weeks even, taking in information, just to end up exactly where you were in the first place.
But you are going to do it differently, because you are smart. You are smart enough to read Four Reasons Marketing Isn’t Working For Your Business and you can finally understand why you aren’t gaining any traction. Why your business is struggling. And if you are just starting out in business – you can skip the pain, frustration and overwhelm that so many go through.
1. Marketing to only a tiny percentage of your potential prospects
I am always talking about the fact that the majority of business owners are missing out on at least 80% of their leads.
Because they are only looking for those who are ready to buy now, the “hot” prospect.
Out of all the people in your market area, only a tiny percentage are ready to buy your products and services. At any one given time less than 3% of your potential market are ready to buy now. Yet there is anything up to another 7% of the market that are open to buying with the right gentle nudge.
This leaves another 90% of the market:
- 30% of whom are not thinking about buying your products and services
- 30% don’t think that they are interested in your offerings
- 30% know they are not interested in buying what you sell.
The vast majority of businesses are only marketing to that first 10% rather than nurturing the 90% – no wonder they are struggling.
Yet with the right message at the right time, you could be nurturing the next rest of the market, developing them from not interested to leads, prospects and clients.
In your Success Foundations, I show you how to understand and know your potential clients so that you can develop marketing and funnels that will help you persuade the 80 – 90%.
2. Your speaking to all prospects like they are absolutely ready to buy now
As you now realise, not everybody is at the same stage of readiness to buy from your business or your competitors. Yet you speak to everyone as if they are. It’s a bit like asking someone to jump into bed with you on the first date. A few, but most will want to get to know, like and trust you first.
People in different stages or readiness need to be nurtured and persuaded as you guide them along a pathway to buying your services. When you discover what motivates your prospects, then you can easily guide them to the point where they are ready to book you.
3. You are always changing your tactics and strategy.
Lead generation doesn’t suddenly start happening at the flick of a switch or the posting of a Facebook Ad. Often it just doesn’t seem like your method, the tactic you have chosen, is working. It can be a slow process. You have to understand the perfect message and find your perfect audience. This can take time, and you need to iterate. But you don’t need to change your strategy. You just need to test different ads, landing pages, audiences, email campaigns to find the ones that are relevant and that resonate.
This takes time, but does not need a change of strategy. If you are constantly changing strategy you will never make progress.
4. You don’t have enough traffic
There’s only one way to put this. If you don’t have hundreds, even thousands, of visitors going through your marketing funnel then you are in no place to make a judgement on whether it is working or not.
If you don’t have enough visitors, then you will never have any idea as to whether your marketing funnel is working or not.
And it is not just about conversion rates or cost per clicks, it is about the quality of those leads too.