How I can help you create an independent income and grow your business...

Work With Louise

Flourish Business Forge - Build The Right Business For You

For those who know they want to simplify and accelerate creating an independent income in the most effective, risk free way to ensure that you are building the right business for you.

It's a year long accelerator where I make sure you have access to everything including the Business GPS, a system that's ensuring that you are always on the right track. We build on the business foundations so that the business you build is truly the one that you should be building.

It starts with an intensive 90 days at the beginning to build those foundations up and then you are off to the races. Everything you need will be revealed to you so that you can run forward, build this business, make money doing it and have nothing holding you back from creating the independence & freedom you've always wanted. For those who don't want to play or gamble with their success, join me in this platinum year long accelerator.

Be excited about building your business, waking up every day filled with joy whilst serving the people you care about and creating a sustainable and profitable business.

Focus > Action > Results 

I know that we can do it alone but why not choose the path that's easier and more direct? As part of the Focus > Action > Results , join this unique small business community and start making real progress towards creating a resilient, sustainable and profitable business that you love.

Discover what's working right now for other businesses, learn from people going through similar struggles, sharing strategies and kicking each others butt to make sure that we get across the finish line and achieve what we've promised ourselves. You don't need to do it the hard way, you can choose the way that's fun, focused and brings the results as we grow our businesses together.

This is for you if you are sick of promising yourself that this year will be different.

7-Day Business Boost

7-days of clear, simple and actionable steps that will make attracting clients and increasing revenue simpler and easier.

During this 7-Day Sprint, I'm going to show you how to simplify your business whilst removing a lot of the busy-ness and overwhelm that is so common among creatives and small business owners.

You'll discover how the way you are thinking about your business is holding you back and how to change that with a few simple shifts. 

I'll give you 2 simple techniques that will make it easier to attract more clients, both in the short term and the mid-long term.

By the end of the sprint, you will have a clear plan and goals for the next 90-days so that you can grow your business more effectively.

Training & Digital Products

Social Content Made Simple

Stop staring at an empty screen, struggling to come up with posts that are engaging or finding new things to say.

And instead...

Use Social Content Made Simple to come up with engaging content that increases followers and converts them into clients whilst making it easy to re-use and repurpose your content. 

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