The Secrets To Doubling Your Profit

That The Experts Don't Want You To Know

Creating a successful and profitable business is a lot simpler than a lot of people would like you to know...

I want to let you in on a secret…

Whilst the majority of small business owners are trying to piece together a complex puzzle of often contradictory advice and tactics…

Those in the know have discovered that creating a successful and profitable business is a lot simpler than a lot of people would like you to know.

That making the right small and consistent improvements across your business will create a snowball effect.

And when done right, this snowball effect brings more profit...

... enables you to create a business that is sustainable...

... and supports you and your family.

Without having to sacrifice time with your loved ones or your well being for the hustle and grind that so many business owners experience.

Because that is what most small business owners do.

They are busy working long, hard hours...

Putting their health a poor third place to business and the little time they do have with their family...

Most of their time is spent on the soul-destroying tasks that leave them wondering why they ever started their business…

…and when the day will finally come when they can spend more time doing the things they love… 

…and pay themselves a decent wage instead of scraping by on the bare minimum.

Successful Business Owners Think About Business Differently...

However, while you continue to think about business the same way that you always have, doing the same things that have gotten them to where you are now, nothing is going to change. 

It’s going to be the same hustle and grind, chasing the latest must do marketing technique and bright shiny objects. 

Business will always be tough and feel like two steps forward and three steps backward… 

But successful business owners think about business and do business differently.

Successful Business Owners focus on the essentials of business growth, using repeatable frameworks to find the small wins and gains that compound across their business.

Successful business owners know that you only need 7 small sequential improvements of just 10% to almost double your profit.  

Creating sustainable success without the high price that so many small business owners believe is the cost of being in business.

The Real Problem...

The real problem is that business owners are taught to work on specific areas of their business in isolation because 99% of courses are tactics based and they focus on one specific thing.  

This rarely works if you don’t have all the other pieces of the puzzle in place, if you don’t think of your business holistically.

It doesn't matter...

  •  How many website visitors you have if you don’t have a website that turns visitors into leads and clients…
  • If you get lots of enquiries, but you don’t have a consistent way to turn them into clients... 

  • How many clients you have if you are working all the hours you have and are barely able to pay yourself a living wage... is always going to be an uphill struggle

It’s like trying to put up the roof of your house before you’ve built the walls - it rarely ends well.

Or trying to treat an allergic reaction with pills instead of removing the allergen that created the reaction in the first place...

...You might get a little short-term relief, but that itchy and raw rash won’t go away until you treat the root cause.

If you’ve bought courses or listened to “advice” in the past and not been able to make business work for you… it’s because...

You’ve been taught to think about business the wrong way.

You’ve been sold individual pieces to the puzzle that always leave you needing more pieces to complete the puzzle.

But when you know the essentials for business growth, you start to think about business differently, losing your dependency on the bright shiny objects that are keeping you stuck on the hamster wheel.

That’s when you make the breakthrough, escape the vicious cycle of feast and famine, and put your business on a different trajectory because you are now able to _connect the dots between all those different trainings and tactics._

“We can’t solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”

Albert Einstein

When You Think Differently About Business...

When you think differently about business, you are able to see through the gurus and so called experts who are busy convincing everybody that they need to buy their latest program.

To decide whether it’s a good fit for you and your business or not…  

All the courses for business owners are tactical to the exclusion of all else. And to make matters worse, the majority only focus on one tactic out of the many.

To be clear: there is nothing wrong with the idea of tactics; it's a requirement. 

It's the act of making stuff happen.

But you need to know which tactics are the right ones for you and your business.

And you need to know the underlying essentials to make any tactic work.

But when a course is only tactics-based, taken in isolation of a strategy, lacking in the basic principles, that's when the wheels come off the wagon very quickly...

That's when the training becomes irrelevant six months after it has been released when the next “hot thing” for them to sell has arrived.

Leading to a continuous cycle of chasing an answer that always feels so elusive… 

Because they’ve rigged the game so that there is always a missing piece.

The longer you stay on that hamster wheel, the harder it is to jump off...

Instead of empowering you to think differently, to be an independent business owner, they are training you to stay on that hamster wheel, always looking for the next thing.  

And the longer you stay on that hamster wheel, the more you are going to wonder whether you are really cut out for business. 

Unless you decide to do what the majority of business owners never do, the 95% whose businesses fail within five years (according to the Small Business Association), then you too could become another statistic.

Or you could decide to take a different path.

A that path creates a snowball effect because you take the right small and consistent actions across your business.

Making the consistent, repeatable incremental improvements across your business that when combined have the power to double your profit again and again.

Now don’t get me wrong this isn’t some miracle quick fix, you’ve got to do the work, but the maths doesn’t lie.

You see, when I first started in business…

I too climbed onto that hamster wheel of working long hours, buying all the courses and struggling to get the elusive results they promised. 

I invested in my business, got really good at what I did, and focused on always trying to book more clients.

Looking for the promised big wins…

Every time I took a couple of steps forward it felt like the next three steps were backwards.

I started to wonder if I was cut out for business. Whether I should go back to work in the oil industry. At least I’d get a good, regular wage again. 

But something kept me going. Eventually I found better mentors who taught me the essentials of business growth, the underlying principles and strategies that create success.

And that’s when everything changed for me.

Everything Changed When...

I discovered that when you come from the opposite direction…

when you KNOW the essentials, how to THINK ABOUT solving a problem (for example: attracting clients), the tactics - specifics - become a lot less important.

If I follow some instructions to do something, and I get to a point in the process that no longer works anymore (maybe something has since changed), I can pretty quickly work around the roadblock because I fundamentally understand how to think about the process.

Much like, when a GPS reroutes your journey to your destination when traffic is heavy on the fastest route. It figures out the next quickest way and automatically reroutes you.

Same idea - when you know the essentials of business growth, then you can change the way you think.

And you won’t be left stuck when the shit hits the fan - and it always will!

This is your future that’s at stake - your business, your livelihood.

When you strip business back to the essentials life becomes a lot simpler.

There are just three ways to grow your business with seven sequential areas to focus on.

And the KEY is to make small incremental improvements at each step of the way.

Let me explain...

Let's say that you had 200 visitors to your website last month... 

Increase that by a very doable 20…

If 5% of those visitors made an enquiry, increase that to 5.5%…

If 10% of those enquiries became sales? Increase that to 11%…

And so it continues. 

Repeat that 10% improvement across the 7 Growth Multipliers and that will compound to a 96% growth - or in other words you will have almost doubled your business. 

It’s simple maths. And even if you make just 5% improvements across the board, that’s still impressive growth.

A level of growth that is elusive for many small business owners.

It creates continuous cycle of small incremental gains using the Business Growth Framework.

Each one compounding on the previous.

Creating more momentum…

more leads…

more clients and sales…

And more profit…

Then one day you realise that the business that once felt like it was sucking the life from you, is now the deeply satisfying, sustainable and profitable business that you always dreamed of.

All because you made one simple change - you started making the right small and consistent improvements across your business.

The Profit Project

The 12-week program that shows you how to double your profits in the next 12 months.

Here's How It Works...

Weeks 1 & 2

I'll introduce you to The Double Your Profit Framework, we'll identify the 7 Growth Multipliers for your particular business and get clear on exactly where your business is with each one.

Week 3

We're going to take a look at where your business is and the things that need fixing because they are leaving money on the table. EVERY business has some quick wins waiting to be uncovered - we're going to take care of those and make an immediate difference to the revenue and profitability of your business.

Weeks 4 - 10

Each of these weeks, we will take an in depth of look at one of the 7 Growth Multipliers and how you can increase it incrementally, by just 10%, so that they can compound and double your profit this year. I'll include lots of examples and ideas of how you can do this in your business including taking two very different types of business (a local service business and an online business) and showing how each Growth Multiplier can be applied to them.

Week 11

I'll show you how to review your progress on a regular basis, and adapt and improve each of the Growth Multipliers so that your business continues to grow beyond this program.

Week 12

Week 12 is where we bring everything together - I'll show you how to determine the right cadence for The Double Your Profit Framework and how best to set it up as a virtuous cycle of sustainable and continued growth for you and your business.

By following weekly action steps and focusing on making incremental improvements, you can transform your business from one that is draining and unprofitable to one that is sustainable and profitable.


The ELIS Learning system

The Effective Learning & Implementation System - a unique 5-step system to help you get the most from this program to double your profits and move you from consumption to implementation to results

the double your profit framework

The Double Your Profit Framework consists of two components - Identify Collect Evaluate is your onboarding ramp and then Fix Apply Review takes you into a virtuous circle of growing your business.


The 7 Growth Multipliers are the only elements that bring growth and profit to any business. You'll discover what they are and the best way to implement each Growth Multiplier in your business.


Unlimited questions and support via the private client portal to help you implement The Profit Project in your business, along with three 1-1 calls to ensure that you double your profits in the next 12 months.

Traffic Chooser Assessment

The unique tool to evaluate the best method of bringing an continuous flow of traffic and visitors for your business based on the resources of you and your business as well as your personality.


In addition to the course, you'll receive access to a series of recorded Q&A calls from the first cohort as well as 6 bonus calls to help you sell more and grow your business.

Business will never have seemed so good...

If you’re ready to stop chasing bright shiny objects and let go of the hustle…

The Profit Project will give you the framework to double your profit through the repeatable incremental improvements that compound to transform your business from a money and energy drain to one that is profitable and sustainable.

Over the course of 12 weeks we’ll work through an Implementation Plan that gives you sustainable and consistent wins across your business using the 7 Growth Multipliers.

Each week I’ll give you a simple action step, so that by the end of our 12 weeks together, not only will you have implemented the Framework in your business, you will have completed your first cycle of small incremental wins across your business, and will be ready to begin the cycle again.

Creating a virtuous cycle that grows your business.

Ready to Double Your Profits?

They Say

What People Say

Clear directions and guidelines

Working with Louise was wonderful. She cared. She gave me time and encouragement when I needed it. She gave me lots of clarity and direction.This course is letting me see light at the end of the tunnel, efforts are not hopeless. Clear directions and guidelines. You can apply it to 10 of your different business. A great skill to acquire.

Louise is clear in her communication, she is approachable. She is an excellent coach to have. Gives you a nudge in the right direction where necessary. I would highly recommend Louise. Trust me, she's someone you'd love to hug and say more than a million of thank yous to.

Shantha Delaunay - Photographer

My business has moved forward with more traction and focus in the last 6 months than in the 2 years previously

Louise is a phenomenal mentor, the knowledge and focus she has brought not only to my business, but to the way I see my business is brilliant. I have never come across anyone who gives knowledge so freely and comprehensively. She has an ability to cut to the heart of the matter and see what each different business needs to make it successful.

My business has moved forward with more traction and focus in

 the last 6 months than in the 2 years previously.

I highly recommend working with Louise. She is very knowledgable, helpful and inspiring.

hemma mason, photographer

The systems and modules are designed brilliantly so that you are guided through them without getting confused.

Louise was a big help from the very beginning in helping me understand what I needed to help me as my business had been on a decline for a couple of years. She has an ability to bring into focus what needs to be achieved and portray it in a simple and effective manner.

The systems and modules are designed brilliantly so that you are guided through them without getting confused.

What I have achieved in 1 month is so much knowledge working on just one part of my business that I will have no issues in applying these techniques to my other niches and more should I bring anything else in.

paul swift wedding photographer

Three Choices

You now know that the key to growing your business is making the right small small and consistent improvements across your business, using a simple but powerful framework…

No matter what kind of business you have or genre you serve.

You’ve seen how small incremental improvements compound to give real, measurable growth that leads to a sustainable and profitable business.

So now it’s time for a decision.

The way I see it you have Three Options…

Do absolutely nothing and continue getting the results you are getting now

If you are happy with your business revenue, profit and growth… 

Then maybe you don’t need this strategy. But if you’d like to grow you business, increase revenue and profit, that leaves you with two other options…

Do it yourself

You can keep consuming the shed load of content published across social media, YouTube and the internet every day… 

Buying all the courses and trying to find the missing pieces of the puzzle so that you can make them work for you and your business…

And hope you stumble across the right one that finally works for you.

If you’re willing to work hard, and spend hours in front of your computer, you might be able to pull it off.

Take the simple option and use the Double Your Profit Framework

Each week I’ll give you a clear and simple training plus an action step. 

All you need to do is follow your weekly action steps that create those very doable small, incremental improvements.

Then at the end of the 12 weeks, see just how much your business has grown from where it was at the start of the program.

Of these three options, ask yourself...

What's going to be easier for you?

You see there are two types of business owner in this world…

  • Those who dream about achieving dreams and goals but aren’t prepared to do the things the successful business owners do. They’d rather do the busywork that makes them feel like they are taking action.
  • And then there are those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.

Most business owners will tell you they want to enjoy a deeply satisfying and profitable business.

But we both know that very few actually make that happen. 

It’s a natural law of business…

Most people will keep dreaming… 

While the few who are serious about the success of their business will take action. 

Since you are still reading this, I think you are one of the special ones…

One of the few who are ready to do what the many aren’t.

If I’m right and you’re still with me…

I’m ready to welcome you to The Profit Project.

Only you can decide.

Join The Profit Project Now...

The Profit Project gives you the framework to double your profit through repeatable incremental improvements that compound to transform your business to one that is profitable and sustainable.  

With clear and simple action steps, we’ll work through an Implementation Plan that gives you sustainable and consistent wins across your business using the 7 Growth Multipliers.

Here’s what people are saying...

For the first time in a long while I feel like my business is on its way to success again...

Before I started I was down in the dumps, feeling doubtful of my worth and sorry for myself about not finding enough work. Working through the course gave me a positive outlook on my business and a burning desire to improve myself and do the necessary steps to get my brand where it needed to be, not to mention a stronger sense of emotional resilience and the inspiration to do things that others are scared to try. For the first time in a long while I feel like my business is on its way to success again, and I have Louise to thank for that. I wish I met her years ago, I think I'd be much further along in my craft had I started working with her then!__

ira giorgettie
Commercial and Advertising Photographer

You can really laser in on what each business needs...

I felt like I had been stuck in the same place for a very long time. I have a pattern of changing things endlessly, which is a form of self-sabotage! Working with you I became unstuck and worked through a huge part of the to do list for the year. I loved that I could ask you anything and you were a fantastic sounding board, you kept me on track. Also that it is individual, tailored help, which is super valuable. You know your stuff! You can really laser in on what each business needs. I am so grateful for the help you have given me to get to where I am now, thank you._ 

Katie Spicer

Hi, I'm Louise Beattie

I help solopreneurs & small business owners simplify and accelerate the journey to an independent income doing the work they love (and are proud of) in service of the people they care about so that they can flourish in life and business without getting stuck on the treadmill of constant grind and hustle that gets you nowhere fast.

Louise Beattie

who is this for?

This is for you if...

  • You have an established business that is up and running, you've had paying clients and you are good at what you do.
  • You have some momentum, people love your products and services. However, it feels like you are stuck in a cycle of feast or famine. You don't have the security of a good, regular client flow and this lack of certainty can feel stressful and overwhelming because you don't know how to break free of this cycle
  • Business is good, you've got plenty of clients, but you know that there is so much untapped potential in your business. You are ready to take it to the next level, to create more independence and freedom in your life, without having to work harder, to work more.
  • You know you have the skill or product and service that other people want and need, however, when it comes to creating a profitable business, it hasn't been as easy as you had hoped. You've struggled to make the courses and training you've bought work for you and sometimes wonder if you are cut out for business and knowing what to do next keeps you up at night.

Enrol In The Profit Project now...

one-time saver



  • Exclusive One to One Support
  • Lifetime Access to Business Growth Essentials
  • Q&A Call Recordings 
  • All Future Updates
  • 6 Bonus Call Recordings to enjoy more sales and grow your business with greater ease.

VIP 1-1



  • Exclusive One to One Implementation Support 
  • Lifetime Access to Business Growth Essentials
  • Q&A Call Recordings 
  • All Future Updates
  • 6 Bonus Call Recordings to enjoy more sales and grow your business with greater ease.

split pay

(3 x £197)    £ 


  • Exclusive One to One Support
  • Lifetime Access to Business Growth Essentials
  • Q&A Call Recordings 
  • All Future Updates
  • 6 Bonus Call Recordings to enjoy more sales and grow your business with greater ease.

12 Week

Money Back Guarantee

Full Money Back guarantee - if you implement every action step and by the end of the 12-week program are not totally satisfied, then I’ll give you your moment back. There’s just one condition - you have to demonstrate that you have implemented every action step fully.


What if life "happens" and I don't complete the program in the 12 weeks?

Don't worry, I know how sometimes life "happens". You have access to The Profit Project for it's lifetime, including all future updates. 

I'm just getting started in business, will the profit project help me?

To be honest, if you are just getting started in business, then although what you learn in this program will serve you well, you would be far better taking a look at the Flourish Business Accelerator. 

Why will the profit project work for me when so many others I've done haven't?

Great question! This is different to most programs as they tend to focus on specific tactics or methods whether or not they are a good fit for you and your business. In this program I show you how to choose the right methods for you, your business, your resources and assets. It's a bit like showing you how to fish rather than giving you the fish. In addition, we use the ELIS learning and implementation system. The program is carefully designed so that you implement as we go, most programs focus on giving you the information which isn't that useful if it doesn't get used...

I have a well established business, should I join this program, what can it do for me?

The Profit Project is perfect for established businesses if you want to grow your business and or increase your profit, without having to work longer hours. This would also be a great fit for those who want to maintain their level of income from the business whilst reducing the hours that they have to put in as I'll show you how to get more out of your business without the hustle and grind.

What if I get stuck or need help along the way?

I've got you covered. You will be able to ask questions on each lesson and I'll answer them and help get you unstuck. I want you to succeed, and often times the best way to achieve that is to give you an extra helping hand along the way. If you prefer private 1-1 support then the VIP tier is for you.

I've selfish motivations for encouraging you to ask questions. I have an update planned for this program later in 2023, and the your questions will help me improve the program. So get stuck in and ask away, I'm here to help.

I just want to get paid for doing what I love, I'm not interested in the business side of things, should I join the Profit Project?

Don't we all! However, sometimes we've got to do the work we don't want to do to get what we do want. If you want to achieve the success and results that only a few achieve, then you have to be prepared to do the work that most aren't willing to do. 

If you are prepared to roll up your sleeves and do the work, then yes you will benefit from The Profit Project. However, if you are just intending to consume or want this for fear of missing out, then save your money, this isn't for you, and that is just fine.

Ready to Double Your Profits?


The legal bit...

While we make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent all the products and services on this website and their potential for income, it should be noted that earnings and income statements made by Forge & Flourish are estimates only of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual as we are not responsible for your actions.

As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, effort, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. 

Full disclaimer can be viewed here.

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